
cheap beats by dre The Gong body of

Chapter 80 thunder bombs
Being fierce to hate a sky is the universe to believe in the head of three greatest elders and enjoy ancient Dan trust, the Dan Gu body went to south those early years thou the Yi wolf mountain in the sky put~to death to kill red Xiao, fierce hated for a sky, attacked by surprise into water cloud country in blood rain mountain of southern Yi private in the sky.The thou Dan killed red Xiao, fierce hate a sky to also become the south Yi blood that the private kills in the sky in blood rain mountain river!
"Your dad at concealed Long Yuan disappear in a little while, fierce hate a sky suddenly the Gu body went to concealed Long Yuan, concealed Long Yuan's surrounding five small households, three day private's religious sect, drive fierce hate for a sky, blood washes.The Du house is too old gentleman also drive fierce hate for a sky, the shot becomes severely wounded and if not that being returneds the person of a dollar religion to rescue, Du house early drive fierce malicious sky of exterminate whole family
"Being fierce to hate is cruelty and matchless for a sky, killed to return a dollar religion many people, simply outstanding several depths besieged, after severely wounded of fierce hate a sky not to know whether strange universe believed in don't help him, Pan the universe believe in.Return a dollar religion and Du family, search everywhere fierce hate the trace in sky, and fierce hate a sky to exchange blows many times, have never what cheapness, ten machine year agos, fierce hate a sky suddenly disappear, the nobody knows his trace any further.
The Xiao Shu deeply looks at Ji vast sky, slowly will relevant fierce hated the affair in sky to say out, this Mi Xin, a Chinese family name separated too far, both parties who experience all deliberately conceal, know of person combine not much.
"Have what relation with my Niang?"
More than 20 year agos, fierce hate a sky is taking a young girl under of Mt. Heaven, someone once saw foolish that young girl and your dad together.Afterwards, your dad disappears at concealed Long Yuan and hear that young girl has ever been to concealed Long Yuan as well, didn't separate how long, fierce hate a sky then the blood washed include Du house at inside of concealed Long Yuan the religious sect of the neighborhood, household.I understand your dad, your dad is the person whom a never likes to bother other people, fierce hate a sky to go to concealed Long Yuan, nature also not because of your dad."
"Is fierce to hate a sky, fierce hate a sky, he meeting's where ……
The Ji vast sky is wrinkly the eyebrows bitterness think, according to the parlance of Xiao Shu, fierce hate a sky should be decisive one personal thing, as long as canning find out him, the circumstance for canning know at the beginning, unfortunately fierce hate a sky to disappear for several years, no man knows his trace.
"So several years , in your surroundings, have what stranger, express a special concern to you?"
The Xiao Shu hesitated for a while, way:"Is fierce to hate a sky want ~only on the hoof, affirmation live in your body side.Because, you are a kid of Hao sky and that young girl, do you cautiously want?"
The sky of Luo!
In the Ji vast sky heart a surprised, almost the nothing important is stagnate, the brain neutral namely presents a Luo for sky of shadow.
13 year agos, the Luo sky burst upon, was successively his Niang bitterness Du, fire Long Shao, imitate a Buddha have been all being secretlying looking at his Tuo to pull out strong, He Hao however, these people of Chen Yi Hui are all reputation He the person of the He, but at Luo in front in the sky an is careful, skate over thin ice.
"That is fierce to hate a sky, that is fierce to hate a sky, how a person, personality how?The Ji vast sky asks a way.
"The Yin is cold, eccentric, little words.Xiao Shu hasty way:Have you ever seen him?
Is wrong not, secretly shouted in the Ji vast sky heart a , on the face but have never been a too many emotion motions,cheap beats by dre, on the contrary wrinkly the eyebrows shook to shake head:"Have never seen this person, do you seem to be very urgently to seek him?"
"Some affairs, the our Xiao house wants to bother him and just suffers from not to know his where."The Xiao Shu tightly stares at his light tone a sigh.
"Do you still what is up need to tell mine?"The Ji vast sky asks again.
"Have no, I knew so many, your father after getting into concealed Long Yuan have never appeared any further, we the news that once found out your father as well in the Xiao house, but don't harvest."The Xiao Shu shakes to shake head to seem to have no to have learned that from the Ji vast sky fierce hate the news in sky, let him have some disappointment.
"That so, appreciate the news that you bring, I walked first."The meaning that don't continue at all to talk with Xiao Shu deeply, after one turns to fall in, the Ji vast sky is wrinkly eyebrows go toward outside walk.
The piece of Xiao Shu Zhang Kou, seem to be still to have to what rubbish want to say, however he imitates a Buddha worry what, finally didn't open mouth ……
The Xiao Shu seems to be eager to knowing fierce hate for a sky, where, for don't please from arrive of Xiao Shu, the Ji vast sky keeps seven cents to watch out for, all what rubbish don't dare to say more, he no longer is to current affairs know-nothing kid, experienced so many affairs, he has his own viewpoint and compare former careful many.
Is fierce to hate a sky, degree the affair of house, let to extremely shock in his heart, he didn't expect before Du house relate to his parents' disappearance, him not intentional killed Du little Feng, still always a bit sorry and ashamed in the heart, oneself after all obtains of month heart stone, day heart stone, picked up cheapness from the Du the little Feng hand.
Had learned that a Du house from the of Xiao Shu today old too after gentleman and what parents disappeared embroiled, strange of, have been perplexing he of that sorry and ashamed, immediately all gone, contrary, he still had unclearly grew revenge behind of pleasant sensation.
Old Luo, you is where exactly?
From know Luo for sky is fierce after hating a sky, he always in mind dark shout, that is deserted to silently make wine an old man, have never thought unexpectedly is a world famous of fierce evil, this to he results in of shocking biggest, let him the momentary is hard to adapt to.
He really wants right away and sees for sky, Luo asks him in those early years is what happened, own parents, whether still still in the human life?Unfortunately, he has already left green rock mountain and leaves a Ji house, the Luo sky once said as well in spite of his where, can definitely find out him.
If you were really fierce to hate a sky, 1 would find out me?Du house!Can not find old Luo, go first a Du house to make a trip, Du house, should stay information there, trace?Is in confusion in the brain, entertain foolish ideas, intend to leave water cloud country, go to concealed Long Yuan of martial country frontier in a sky.
There, originally was the Zu ground that belonged to a Ji house ……
Gao Yang Cheng, water cloud country's northernmost city defense.
Have been going toward north from Gao Yang Cheng, can go directly to big Chu, the northwest direction of Gao Yang Cheng, then martial country in the sky.
The northwest of Gao Yang Cheng is full to is the Chong mountain Jun Ling, in some grounds that work properly a mountain treasure, enough little ancient sky of private's religious sect, the skies hearts of one of the six greatest religious sects believe in, among those Chong mountain Jun lings.
Puts cloud mountain peak up, the Luo Gu body Ao in sky signs, a pair of eyes coolly look on straight level boundless white fog, , the eyes have no facial expression.
By the side of his body, spread all over a ground of corpse, those corpse the whole body is withered burnt, black very black, corpse humidity all be steamed dry.
Don't once know how long, shopkeeper Chen Yi Hui of Chen Jia San, quietly appear.
"Is fierce old ……"
Chen Yi Hui far and far stands to settle and lightly shouted low 1.
Is fierce to hate a sky to turn round, cold hope to watch from a distance Chen Yi Hui, way:"Check out?"
Ordered to nod, Chen Yi Hui one face Xing Xing however, way:"Mo Ni in Western Regions teaches and has no shadow to believe in, Xia island in falling of East China Sea, three parties cooperate, Mo Ni in Western Regions teaches dark of king, East China Sea falls lord in island in the Xia island to make moves in person, at my Chen Jia Da Dun four do evil things, dollar Zhu in the sky, the day shows off bow, crack sword in the sky, also have those is working properly a working properly of treasure store exhibition treasure to loot greater half."
The low voice that"the island of Mo Ni has no shadow to believe in and falls a Xia island ……" is fierce to hate a sky is mumbling.
"Dark of the king take five evil, westwards the area direction escapes and fall principle and subordinate underground in the Xia island all the way and eastwards the sea withdraw, my daddy they make track for to fall a Xia island lord, emperor's aunt Pu takes a local superior and continue to make track for shot five evil, however, dark of king and five evil arrived at a sky of martial country, emperor's aunt Pu in order not to martial national crisis in the sky may, can not on a large scale do aspect to be subjected to restriction in everywhere.Moreover, a person of emperor's aunt Pu, afraid also can not dark of king and five evil all stay."
"Emperor river bank Tong?"
"Boon, she is making track for the king of shot blackness, hope fierce old can help Chen Jia Yi's arm.Dint."
"Fierce old and the young heart 1:00, dark of king and five evil escape of direction, seem to be after concealed Long Yuan, , through Du house ……"
Is fierce to hate for a sky, eyebrows a wrinkly, a little bit cold nod, way:"Is also good, the vast sky has been already grown up, with the debt of Du house, can continue to keep on calculating."
"Vast sky to lead to work properly a treasure general assembly, see according to our newses, the Du house is too old baby's pimple of gentleman, that calls the youth of little Feng of Du, good elephant …… is be killed by the vast sky ……" Chen Yi Hui gingerly says.
"Kill well!"Is fierce to hate a sky to lightly drink 1, seem to be some excitements, ask a way:"Du little Feng what fix for?"
"Five lines of days."
Fierce some doubts for hating a sky, mumbling way:"What is the row?Not should so quick, he has no possibility so badly just to ……"
Led in a short while, saw Chen Yi Hui still where, fierce hated a sky to put to put a hand, cold way:"I knew that you go."
The Gong body of Chen Yi Hui is one gift, this just quietly backs to walk ……
Water city in the sky, city outside.
Took advantage o a night to leave water city in the sky, the Ji vast sky Gu body one person went to go toward Gao Yang Cheng, he didn't run about officer's way, didn't also ride a horse, shuttle in some forests.
The absolute being soul releases and works properly to feel into outside extension, various life in mountain undulates to reflect into brain one by one, the person shuttles in the forest, in the wood world vitality but slowly dynasty he flows out and comes together in dollar bead in the sky in his body.
After coming out a Ji house, he increased experience and training state to regard as a main purpose, all don't forget a self-discipline oneself moment by moment.
The great void Mi records extremely miraculous, is a kind of marvellous sky of private's secret that integrates the oneself into the world, only the heart is quiet like water, keep an absolute being soul pure clearly, seeming to be at any times can come together the world vitality as oneself use.
Plus for a sky again, dollar bead, the his body comes together the speed of world vitality faster.
The person walks mountain, he can feel that the body is each ten each time engrave to seem to be all is taking place to change, the naked eye is difficult to see of the world vitality be collected sky inside the dollar bead, dollar bead in the sky spreads those vitalities to overflow into his body again and make to contain inside his body of the strength is more and more.
Mao Mao Mao!
The fascination came, in the unmanned countryside in the field, the Ji vast sky chest drum bulge wears and tee off thunder in a sky strength, .Between the mountain, Ji vast sky with alacrity the Teng move to fall Dang and more add and discover that the strength inside the body is hundred percent, seems how to all make to exert not.
At the mid-night, lightning flashes roll of thunder, rain-storm's seeming to be at any time will land.
Indulge in for a sky, the Ji vast sky in the thunder strength, Hun however don't feel a circumferential abnormality, just strong sky of thunder strength with clap en route through of piece of stone, lose plant of old treetop noodles.
Again is one Zhang, clap with the hand toward a withered Huang's old treetop.
Suddenly, the dollar dint undulates a to change, thunder in the sky bombs to make to ring in his arm, even now, sky together deep-fried tired bomb however fall in, exact center the body of Ji vast sky.
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