
beats by dre pro orthern night in mid

Chapter 653 rescues hostage
Keep watch on big handsome Yan non-commissioned officer soldier already everyone from Wei, the guess of military surgeon has already been confirmed in the afternoon, big handsome suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, the whole body is very hot, need not military surgeon diagnosis, a lot of soldiers all once heard, this is the sign of epidemic, all soldiers stand the tent is outside shut up a nose with the cloth Wu that the mezzanine has carbon powder, two look after in the evening the big handsome soldier frightens more all over dither, the Tan sits by the side of the tent, even they all adult fear of object.
"The military surgeon came!"
Don't know is who shout a , the food for powder moves out of the way a road in succession, sees two military surgeons, and Wei Rus and quarter win to carry a first-aid kit to in a hurry walk to come in.
Wei in the school faces up way:"Wei's military surgeon, the circumstance is far from good, you worry of symptom he appeared."
"H'm!I have a look again."
Wei Rus takes out the towel that a mezzanine has carbon powder(hair), the Wu shuts up a nose and beat a knot after brain, the quarter wins Wu also piece(hair) towel, he walked two, and then stop a step to ask the school the Wei way:"Did this matter report to report Anne's general?"
Wei in the school shakes, he has no knowledge condition serious degree, also don't dare to report a report.
"Suggest you hurriedly report a report, if is really an epidemic, the dissemination is very quick, Be getting more late, you eat offense not to rise."
Wei face s è in school deadly pale, turn round and then run to report to report.
The quarter wins with Wei Rus and walks into tent, and then turns head to the food for powder way:"Who all prohibit to come in!"
In fact need not they order, now who dare to also go in, at food for powder severity, be like a devil of cannibalism in tent.
2 people walk into tent, tent inside pitch dark of, see just unclearly a person lie on the chu á ng Ta and hear him painful of(Shen)(sing), Wei Rus' medicine indeed as expected severe, the quarter won to touch for a while, Wei Rus pointed doorway, Wei Rus understands and then squats down at the door to take a medicine, in fact surveillance outside of circumstance.
The quarter wins in the big handsome in front to squat down down, m ō m ō his forehead, commence very hot, he tiny smile way:"Do you still remember me?"
Was big handsome to listen to the quarter win of voice, he weakly says:"Military surgeon, I may be really get a heavy disease."
"You are all right of, want to go out, you have to had better want to die right away so of appearance."
Big handsome eyes are bright for a while, he understood the meaning that the quarter wins, "I understood, I would be badly sick ."
The quarter wins to clap his the back of the hand, again to Wei Ru way:"I hear the Anne Lu mountain agreed Dan, will come back for these several days, we time is very tight, don't wait tomorrow, had better turn an army camp to him tonight."
"I know that I all arrange in the afternoon."
Wei Rus went out 1 in the afternoon and did some arrangements, and the Qi Yan also mounted head, he has already eager to return home at this time, where still want to drag along till tomorrow, then say with smile:"And I have already given watch his food for powders to all take a medicine, effect soon will appear."
The quarter wins again to big handsome tidied up body, changed whole body of the clean clothes , at this time, outside spread a burst of clamor a voice, a group of persons walk up a tent, listens to a big voice Rang a way:"What about military surgeon?"
"Military surgeon all in the tent."
"Let them come out to see me!"
The bearer is exactly the tallest commanding officer Anne of the army camp always true, Anne always really is also one member skill in martial arts high strong valiant general, he is Anne Lu mountain of 12 protect too much of a, rank the third.
The Anne Lu mountain then chose high strong young military officer of 12 skill in martial artses in the Yan soldier for haltering a talented person, it was own adopted son to recognize to make, called 12 and protect too much, pressed the skill in martial arts Gao Qiang Lai and ranked, this Anne is always really a contract Dan person, drive Anne the Lu mountain after recognizing and making the adopted son then change name and call Anne always true, is the third and protect too much, in order to greatly and too protecting Li Qin and gathering together dead, he in fact ranks the second now.
These 12 protect too much all is have is brave don't strive for of bumptious fellow, the Anne Lu mountain isn't likely to seek brave double of whole people of a Zhi to be their own adopted sons, this will threaten his son's position, such as the history think clear of flow, simple-minded of person, have no the heart of s ī miscellaneous read, loyalty also Gao De Duo.
Anne is always really no exception, the skill in martial arts is high strong, but the brains is simple, he hears big handsome possible get epidemic, immediately explode with rage, leaving no chance to explain, Be malicious to flog heavily 100 soldier sticks Wei in the school of report letter first, this just the breeze breeze fire fire rush through bearer quality tent.
The quarter wins at this time and Wei Rus is from the tent in drilled out, toghter list the knee kneel down to salute, "pay respects to Anne's general!"
Anne is always true although is stupid, to military surgeon he is still more polite, the quarter won to still once cure the eye of feet(chicken) for him, and the impression is better.
He ignores Wei Rus, asks a quarter to win a way:"Is he to really get epidemic?"
The quarter wins a point to nod a way:"See appearance be like very much, this kind of disease infects a person soon, general 23 days later once got in touch with his owners will fall sick, then continuously the dead drop, incurable."
Anne always really frightens retreat an one step, stare big eyes to ask a way:"What to do then?"
The quarter wins a letter beard plait way:"My father once cured epidemic, he told me, getting the epidemic has to insulate right away and prohibit in person's many places and prohibit more in the city, if die, the corpse wants to burn down right away, the patient once uses of the whole things all want to burn down, this is have to, otherwise once spreading, those are the death of several myriad people, several 100,000 people, a persons of county will die cleanly."
In addition to the father is a beard plait, but anotherly all true, the person in this ages has 1 kind to difficult to expressly fear to all the epidemics, all how much hear 1:00, Anne always really orders, really is so, the epidemic happened to his old house ever, result a tribe person in a winter all death rays.
Anne always really turns head bad ruthlessly stare at to put in the custody of 30 several well-known scholar soldiers of hostage, y ī n dark tunnel:"Who do you win to have ever got in touch with him,beats by dre pro?"
The food for powders all frighten point to two Tans to pour at the soldier on the ground at the same time, "is them!"
Anne is always true a put to make a way:"Gave to kill, the corpse right on the spot burned down!"
Have mercy on two well-known scholar the soldier too late entreated and then encountered sudden misfortune, drive the Anne always really close soldier use long pike Tong dead, who don't dare to touch their corpses as well, use long pike fork wear their corpse, the direct arrived to outside burn a corpse to go.
Anne always really glimpses two military surgeons, these two military surgeons he didn't want to stay as well.
The quarter wins to wait of is this opportune moment, he comes forward to salute a way:"Anne's general, I just once measured with military surgeon company of Wei, now we can not affirm is an epidemic, but army camp he affirmation don't can be getting more foolish, immediately leave, we want to take him to the army camp to outside cure, if can cure well, that is had better however, if curing wasn't good, we burned him directly."
If is a general soldier, Anne always be really can't consider what treatment, directly kill to burn down, but it happened that this is the Su end 靺鞨 person's hostage, this makes Anne really be a little bit difficult to do always, and he also has no business to make decision.
He the skin of head of Nao Nao, then make a way:"You all here, who also prohibit to leave, I report report Wang Ye!"
He turns over a horse of body and also ignores to prohibit the rules of rushing the horse inside the army camp, direct to the You state is inside the city but go.
After a hour, Anne always really came back again, the facial expression is very upset, Anne Lu mountain's agreeing Dan hasn't come back, Wang Fu's middleman says to still need to wait last several dayses, but.....
He asks a quarter to win a way again:"I insulate in the army camp he can?"
The quarter wins to shake, "the army camp popularity is too intensive, this epidemic is in fact a kind of poison, the ability is up in the air to spread, and the many people in fact has never got in touch with a patient, but equally becomes sick dead to drop, is this truth."
"That turns him to where go?"The Anne always true Zhan wears voice to ask a way.
The vision that the quarter wins hopes to go to Wei Rus, the afternoon is what he goes out an arrangement, and Wei Rus connects a people's way:"North go to ten in have a spirit of mountain temple, surroundings shabby signs of human being, rather turn to cure to there."
The quarter wins exultation, dark great Wei Rus will choose a place, that spirit of mountain temple he knows of, tightly depend one forest, at the right moment give big handsome succeed in escaping.
Anne always true eyebrows a wrinkly, his viewpoint is few, didn't thought of to succeed in escaping a possibility, just the intuition is a bit not satisfactory, in fact even if he is a little bit more intelligent, he also the surprisingly quarter wins of purpose.
It has been many years since the quality of this person had been foolish in the You state, in his army camp also already more than a year, there is basically no mind that he will escape, besides the quarter wins and Wei Rus is his military surgeon, all oneself's person, he dreams a surprisingly quarter and also wins be destroy an explosive field, burn down the chief criminal of hay database, if he knows that quarter's winning is Anne west the head of group of the soldier patrol camp, perhaps he sleeping will be frightenned by the evil-foreboding dream and come to.
He know to obey military command, the Anne Lu mountain orderanies him to sternly put in the custody of hostage and forbids hostage to leave army camp, so his intuition feels not satisfactory.
At this time, have two soldiers who watch hostage'ah!'Is a , Wu wear the belly keep on squating down, full head big sweat, this in fact be Wei Rus eats for them of prevent medicine from rising function.
The military surgeon contains this kind of occupation convenience, he clearly eats for patient of is a poison, let patient the poison hair die, he can also say to is on the brink of death, having no medicine can save, probably can analyze now, but ancient times.....Doctor since can make on that day as well as be devil.
The quarter won to immediately point at soldier to shout, "see quickly, two of him were infected!"
Surroundings soldier one Hua however, frighten in succession retreat, at this time two well-known scholar the soldier cannot help but vomiting again, Anne always true face s the è greatly change, at present he attended to not to ascend any further, connect the voice shout a way:"Is quick!Polish off these 2 people!"
More than ten close soldiers are blunt the Tong coming up, using long pike killed 2 people, go out.
This kind of bloody condition makes Wei Rus frighten all over to shiver, he knows these 2 people basically didn't disease, he the face s è deadly pale, shrink in a side don't dare to talk.
Quarter's winning urgently must yell, "Anne's general, you want to let the Yan soldier count all of 100,000 battalions to die unique?"
This sentence such as on recording a heavy hammer, very heavily hit on the Anne's always true xi ō ng Tang, he finally descended to settle decision and was just a small people quality and still protected troops important.
He wins for a quarter and Wei Ru way:"You are two, immediately take patient."
He and then make a way to 30 several soldiers of surveillance hostage:"You all together with go, walk quickly!"
The food for powders are all frightenned to death, the many people all feel that oneself's belly starts to be painful, then doing not walk will be on the spot killed, they fluster ground to seek to a wagon and help two military surgeons big handsome lift wagon, strong endure ache in stomach, follow wagon to go out from the recent northern door.
Anne always really has been hoping they walk far, once the hand recruit and call to a Lang will, order his way:"You take 1,000 brotherses to far and far keep watch on them, never close to and waited in a couple of days if they all die unique, to my[one] fire even the person takes all of the temples to burn down and remember, the brotherses are must bewaring of, doing not close to."
"The end will follow instructions!"
The Lang will run to order a soldier, Anne always really tooks a look tent and makes a way to close soldiers again:" Here of all of all things burned, similar all prohibit to stay, return that school of Wei, also killed to burn down together, dig a deep pit again, covered up all things for burning down all and deeply, have been already remembered?"
Close soldiers promise and begin incineration together, Anne always true m ō the forehead of m ō , he feels he also have a little is having fever, in the heart not from a burst of frightened, he is also taking medicine.
Spirit of mountain temple army camp north ten inside, leave the explosive of the Lu mountain of Anne experiment field not far, at the beginning Anne Lu mountain for keeping secret explosive experiment field, move all of the village in the neighborhoods to walk, afterwards the explosive field discards, this took to also become no man lives of ground.
Being the northern night in mid- April at this time is the most delightfully fresh and the most beautiful good time, the sky is to once scrub generally, there is no one silk cloud and mist, the basket is clear and bright, again high and then far, the moon of a circle circle is from the forest of east in climb out, like a headlight cage, shine on the whole plain bright open, the road also becomes clear.
Though night the s è is quietly beautiful, but a line of Yan soldier has no idea, they were covered with by the n shadow of y ī of a kind of death, various symptom went into action on him, and the fever, stomachache was full of to fear in everybody's heart.
The quarter wins to ride right away, in the heart at remember this uncanny, this imitating a Buddha is a God to arrange good similar, if he weren't a military surgeon, Anne would be always true how may hand over to him the hostage to take out a big camp?
This is tantamount to the arch hand sent the achievement to him, he just knew this task in the morning, the evening completed, could say everything in the as in from has heaven's will.
He turns head to hope to go to the distance, about three in addition to inside, he sees a troops unclearly, that is keep watch on them of ride a soldier, the quarter wins not from sneer at a , the brigade of oneself but epidemic, they dare to keep up with come?
The quarter won to raise throat to shout a , the more than 30 Yan non-commissioned officers soldiers all twist the head hopes to him, don't know that this third winner cures and has esteemed view.
"You see have no."
The quarter wins an anti- hand distance, "there have a troops is following us, see?"
Many soldiers stop a step in succession and stretch forward to hope to go to the distance, clean moonlight bottom, see particularly clearly, one brigade person's horse of the black You You, secretively follow them, Yan soldier the food for powder Be all foolish to live, is this to come to do what?
"Need not thought, this was to come to accept corpse for us."
Quarter wins to finish saying, he adds a way again:"They perhaps don't even dare corpses to touch."
Food for powder an in despair lowers the head, Wei Ru heart in cant not bear to, from the car window in stretch forward a way:"Everyone doesn't also fear, as long as listen to mine, we don't necessarily die."
Wei Rus' words let the food for powder have already borned a hope again, they surround to go in succession, and the conflicting views asks a way:"Wei's military surgeon, really have a way to cure good?"
"Wei's military surgeon is 80 years old an old mother in my house, descend have the kid to eat(milk), you must save me!"
Wei Rus comforts their way:"Everyone is worried, this prince may be a heavy disease, but as long as at enmity with he has a meal to drink water together, I think should the problem isn't big, you see me to cure and once touch him as well with third winner, not also some problems all have no?"
Is public is encouraged, all the spirit fig ups, this a moment, they also feel that Azrael's leaving them is getting farer.
The quarter won to ride to lightly smile right away, the epidemic was good!What problem can solve.
After a hour, they arrived at spirit of mountain temple, the spirit of mountain temple has been already got empty, square circle ten several insides all unmanned house, even beggar call none of the son of hu ā think to be foolish here.
The spirit of mountain temple still doesn't calculate broken-down, doors and windows all at, dry and clean and neat, basically need not sweep, the temple is very small, in addition to main temple, also have a left right 2 be partial to palace, two military surgeons and prince in Bohai Sea live one and is partial to a palace, rest 30 several people crowded be partial to a palace in the another in, this time, who still have idea and keep watch on this prince.
Wei Ru care prince, the quarter win but walked out, he saw one eye 100 outsides one big slice of forest, then and loudly to Wei Ru way:"Wei's military surgeon, I adopt some herb medicine!"
Wei Rus understands that also loudly way:"Beware of a point, don't walk far!"
The quarter wins to come out spirit of mountain temple and arrived at inside the forest, very silent inside the forest, the moonlight of silver white casts net through the treetop, everywhere under is a layer after layer tree to copy, hears'shout'ground a burst of gust wind once blew and blew leaf sand the sand keep ringing, 'Mao Ca!'Is a , the quarter won to pull down a tree branch and rushed toward those night owlet night birds all one Be surprised to fly.
Hears Gu Gu of a burst of night owlet interjection, one personal shadow flies to drop down from the treetop and cleverly floats to fall to win in front in the quarter, morrow's brushing one several grounds on all sides, and then hasing several personal shadows is or so to fall in before or after at him.
"How, want to take advantage o in the dead of night to polish off me?"The quarter won to smile to hope several people's one eye.
"Do not dare, the vulgar post and rank treats many."
For the person of head is exactly his assistant Qi Yan, he comes forward Shi Yi Li, "the vulgar job have already got ready, we prepare three corpses, can substitute at any time."
"Need not so many, a corpse enough."
The quarter wins and tooks a look public, "totally have how many persons?"
"Report back general, totally 7 people, all get ready, wagon in the forest, tomorrow directly go to country in Bohai Sea, render assistance on the road of person together the hall lord also arrange."
"Is all right!Is bright tomorrow sky, I hand over to you the person."
Next day, m é ngm é in sky the ng is bright, Wei Rus then will public call awake, tell everyone an unfortunate news, prince in Bohai Sea is dead.
"I cure to seek in the forest with third winner a piece of vacant land burned person, everyone didn't want with!"
Many soldiers stand prince in Bohai Sea in being partial to palace doorway, far and far looking at to lie on the load, face s the è is grey, two eyes close tightly, and a hand Da of deadly pale pulls at the load outside and rocks along with the load.
The food for powder hopes a load walked into forest, but no one dare to keep up with to go, not much, sees a black smoke start to float from the forest, this is them at burn a corpse.
Forest inside, Wei Rus ascended wagon, forthcoming respectively, his eyes have a little red, win an arch arch hand to the quarter, the voice sobs a way:"Quarter general great boon, I bear firmly in mind in the heart, if probably, I will definitely requite!"
The quarter wins to smile to blame and scold his way:"Call my quarter general again!"
Wei Ru the wry smile is a , "rightness!I always forget, the third winner cures, don't know that when we still see again of."
"Soon, I will also return Chang-an, you come to army camp and seek a patrol camp to win for quarter by that time, can find out me, Wei's military surgeon, hope later we continue to cooperate."
"Is certain!I definitely come to seek third winner to cure."
At this time, prince in Bohai Sea is big handsome the hand also starting arch to win a way to the quarter:"Great boon not speech, boon Help today, I am big handsome to bear firmly in mind in the heart!"
"The prince talks heavy, I just receive order but BE, everyone takes good care of all the way!"
"The third winner cures to take good care of!"
The wagon started, the person of intelligence report hall in Hebei escorted wagon quickly toward the north but went and gradually disappeared in the afar.
The Qi Yan asks a way again:"Quarter general, that I wait you here."
"Not!You are in the west 20 in outside wait me, I still need to handle some funeral affairses."
The quarter wins to take out a cloth bag and use a wood carbon writes in the top, 'prince in Bohai Sea'four words, then and greatly tread to burn a corpse to walk.
The Qi Yan turns over a horse of body and urges a horse to face west but go to.......
After about a hour, sees the quarter win a person is from the forest in come out, carry a bag of bone Zhi in the hand, write on the pocket'prince in Bohai Sea'four words.
He walks into spirit of mountain temple, to the public way:"You come over!I have words to say to you."
Is public don't know to take place what matter, all crowded crowded get to walk to come forward, the quarter wins to put the pocket that has bone Zhi on the table, to the public way:"Last night Wei the military surgeon took a medicine for you, how felt?"
One well-known scholar soldier meticulous way:"Feel not bad, belly not painful, body also not have a fever."
The quarter wins a point to nod again way:"That is my handed down from the ancestors secret recipe, if is a slight symptom, can cure of, can if it's so serious to be like him......"
He pointed bone Zhi bag, "his disease had no way, canned be a dead end."
At this time, and then have one well-known scholar the soldier ask a way:"What about Wei's military surgeon?"
The quarter won to sigh a tone way:"This is me the reason that you call, my the truth tells you!Wei's military surgeon already flee for life go to."
"Flee for life!"
30 how many Yans the soldier was like to deep-fry nest, in confusion, "is this to return so a matter?"
"The calmness of everyone!The calmness of everyone!"
The quarter wins to put a hand and just make very easily public pipe down, "you listen to me saying!"
Is public already completely pipe down, all foolishly hope a quarter to win, the quarter wins this just to the public way:"I come to ask you, if was infected epidemic last night of isn't prince in Bohai Sea, did everyone say to is what result?"
"Anne's general will definitely kill us and all kill to burn down!"
A soldier of cleverness thoughted of first that is public the face s è all greatly change, the quarter wins points to nod a way:"This brothers says quite goodly, everyone saw, two brothers stomachaches immediately were killed off to burn dead, if there is no this Bohai Sea prince, we last night ascend who also lived not to become, must die, and you saw!"
Quarter's winning distance can see unclearly of several ten tents, to the public way:"You should see, that is Anne's general to is sent to accept the troops of corpse for us, if prince in Bohai Sea is saved to live, probably we can also live one life, but he has already died of illness, may that Anne's general also stay our one life?"
"That how do we do?"
Was public to all frightenedly call to get up, "we listen to what third winner cure!"
"The way is easy, similar to Wei's military surgeon, everyone respectively flees for life!"
The quarter wins to raise an orotund way:"I also want to walk, want to live a life, hurriedly escape, walk from the back door, soldier in riding of other people's distance saw."
More than 30 Yan non-commissioned officer the soldier is all disorderly set of, they take off helmet and throw away weapon and fought to be the first to rush from the back door spirit of mountain temple, to forest rush to go, a short moment then runs a ly not to remain.
The spirit of mountain temple inside immediately becomes all empty d à ngd à ng, the quarter won to smile to smile, he threw all helmet weapons into wagon and grow once the whip jilt, "drive!"
Wagon start, faces west noodles to speed but go to, Huang Chen is billowing, the wagon soon then disappear in the afar......
(At the beginning write a quarter to win to act from inside army camp to be military surgeon, cushion be done to write to rescue hostage, beg a monthly ticket!Beg a subscription!)
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