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Still spend a report toward Wang Yun with a tranquil and enjoyable smile.
Figure Wang Yun, who looking at orchid to far go, spends not from dip down face.For this wench she has been hasing no good will to seem make people dislike more at present.Hence she turns head to ask a way to the example of one side:"Adult Fan, do you know the inside situation of that wench?"
"Do not know."The example answer with expressionless noodles way.
"How can?The somebody else says your adult Fan is omniscient.You how don't the meeting know an inside situation of mean wench?"Wang Yun spends an eyebrow a pick to counter-question a way.
"I ain't a fairy, be not know everything."Example chillily answer way.For whichever person's examples that can get in touch with dew there being opportunity will send a person to sternly check to explore its inside situation.The orchid is certainly no exception.Huang Shi, orchid, the Huai Anne's mansion shoots a sun county person,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.Father Huang Xian the apocalypse raise a person for 7 years, mother Yuan surname.17 years of Chong Zhen, shoot a sun county to encounter servant thief the hit parents' killed.It drifts about two Huais to receive Li Feng Er et al to take in in the Long martial beginning year.The whole life experience of orchid is in brief clear.In the chaotic literally can find out several womans that has a same situation with her.Can make the example feeling not satisfactory of but exactly is this faultless life experience.
Because fighting is disorderly and right of multifarious substitute Long of Wu Chao previous household register Huang Ce almost have no from start to check.Many mansion counties more than oncely are sacked.Consequently at manager the soldier want to check to know that an identity that the commonness flows a people is in fact very difficult after the disaster natural calamity.In the process of probing in appear loophole is also a very normal matter.Although it is said can finish to completely and all check pure personal case of inside situation also not is have no.But proceed from the sensitive example of occupation always feel this matter back have doubtful point.Can have no consenting of prime minister's adult him can not literally arrest orchid to return to ask words again.The example also has to go to while secretly continuing to investigate in low-key way.
"Hum, be really of.Compare which Xiao cloud still have to be eccentric."Looking at example a Jian Mo Hui shape Wang Yun's flower of the speech cast aside a words head don't return as well of leave.And the example see a form also well helpless Song shrug shoulders, turned round to walk into berth.A come in but see money Qian benefit also in the cabin he not from inwardly wrinkly next eyebrows.At that moment respected military salute politely report way is toward Sun Lou:"Prime minister's adult, the tall ship pulled in to shore quickly.Please work well preparation."
"?Is so quickly a Nanking.Half year almost the associates of Nanking definitely miss us very much.Do you say, adult money?"Dew smile don't smile of ask a way to Qian Qian Yi.
"Yes, time leads really quickly.Adult Chen is presumed to early wait on the wharf.That next the officer descend first to notify that many officials worked well to go on board to prepare."Qian Qian Yi starts to politely salute a way.But see the lazy dynasty of Sun Lou Yong public to flick a way:"Know.You descend first to prepare.I is soon afterward."
In fact first-class stay in the Nanking wharf of not only is only Chen Bang Yan to wait many cabinet big minister.Connect Long force emperor I also arrive wharf accolade in person dew of tall ship arrival.Renovate brocade dress of one new wharf muscle man to raise all batons of emperor to divide two lines of way but row of clipping.Huang Gai's bottom takes the Long Yu key of Wu Di Zhu of gold hat under the escorting of text force official hierarchy seem to be dominant abnormality.Can more eye-catcher but is those 300 Jings that stand erect after resisting Nian to ride.Together usually glorious Wei in the dress school different these armed escortses uniformly wear a dark yellowish green color of make a soldier to pack, utter darkness Ceng bright riding boots, each hang one handle knob gun on the leather belt.These knights would are to be responsible for the independence of Sun Lou's safety to ride soldier guidance regiment at Xu Zhou Cheng on that day.Unique dissimilarity of is these young knight's collar insignias all have been already changed the soaring of silver system eagle collar insignia with show they now special identity.
And were over while greeting dew last time Chun for one summers another lucky stations at armed escort in.Originally exposes just from Xu Zhou Cheng before setting out secretly order Bo the Luo lead independence to ride the soldier's guidance regiment rushes through into a Nanking to take over a defending of capital city from the route on land duty.The Bo Luo is receiving secretly order to take to ride a large unit to day and night and travel at double speed wear a dynasty a Nanking to rush through on that night.In order to holding the hand Yu of prime minister's adult, they go down south all the way almost without obstruction.Only spent 4 to is a Nanking city bottom.The summer over Chun still clearly remembers now that he together gets into a those military officers for 9 to lift Du mansion surprised facial expression with the Bo Luo.Eliminates a hour, they then took up the whole capital city successfully of defend a duty.The summer over Chun stands on the wharf to feel unusually proud of.Is positive such as them before setting out prime minister what adult says they empire of the pride is a greatly clear Chu eagle.And they also beautifully completed the task that prime minister's adult gives to this time.Believe station at this time at emperor father at the side of body also will definitely proud for himself proud of.
Can summer the over Chun not understand his father to grant for summer Yi at the moment but is a dummy to eat golden thread to have a bitterness could not say.Looking at the station of the horse of fresh dress Nu of oneself's son the summer grant in the brigade row the Yi is very anxious to to seek a ground to sew to drill into.Because he was disgraced an associate who face he.Sun Lou leaves the half year of Nanking to dynasty in be loyal to the imperial house's big minister to say to is the opportunity of an once in a lifetime.Grant in this period summer that the Yi rushes about to look for influence support for the Long Wu Di everywhere with a few good friends to associate.Especially the military authority will get have been the object that the summer grants that the Yi waits person to make every effort to draw together.Although the troops control for exposing now.But at their make great effort again and again under finally persuaded a few military officers of Jis in the guard city.Although official position not Gao but can transfer one part of troops.This lets the summer grant that the Yi waits the hope that the person saw a renew imperial house.On the other hand they also send a person to closely pay attention to Xu Zhou Cheng's circumstance.Especially Wang Xing Bu and prime minister's armed escort's activity.A there is a slight commotion Nanking here immediately activity.
However way Gao Yi Chi, evil Gao Yi Zhang, Sun Lou, finally still will public give play.One of her order makes summer grant that effort that the Yi waits a person for half year turned to do vanish like bubbles.The summer grants that how the Yi all has never thought that woman will let a Da son be led a group of doll soldiers to take up a capital city to defend a duty.But let he has never thought more of is finally lead troops into city to break they greatly account of is unexpectedly own son's over Chun for summer.Looking at one side the associate doubt to grant that the Yi knows with the facial expression summer of despise he or she this time is jump into yellow river to also wash not pure.Is unique now move him is the attitude that the emperor tolerates.Long Wu Di after knowing Bo Luo to take up a capital city and defending duty since didn't break into a furious rage, also have no disappointed and frustrated, didn't even decline offense to grant Yi in summer.Long Wu Di accepted this fact very calmly.Grant in summer at least the Yi sees to an emperor after the frustrate this time, can also come to wharf to greet Sun Lou in person, this city mansion and Dan color real amount is rare.The summer grants that the Yi cans not help in mind inwardly swear even if sacrifice own life, he can't brings trouble an emperor, either.
But the Long Yu key of Wu Di Zhu at the moment then seem to be unhurriedly.People are very difficult that dignity Yong permit from he of read in facial expression his heart the slightest of viewpoint.Until see dew be escorted by the under charge to go on board his eyes in just flash across one silk unspeakable Yin Yu.But this facial expression was very quick and then was covered up by his opened laughter.Sees Zhu Yu Jian launching arms enthusiasm of facing and coming forward way:", My Sun Qing Jia can come on the whole.This imperial government doesn't have Sun Qing Jia at return be really became a pot of gruel indiscriminately.Luckily the capital city safe and soundly returned to in the Qing house, that I was regarded as to trust."
"Offense minister Sun Lou pays respects to an emperor.The emperor is long live, long live, ten thousand long live."Sun Lou sees a form hurriedly kneel ground to kowtow to tell an offense way:"This half year comes to offense minister the Shu is at the governmental affairs, can not for the emperor dissipate sorrow really is an offense should ten thousand die.Please decline offense at the offense minister."
"Sun Qing Jia, He Chu, this talks.Keep son to teach a female should be person it often Lun, the Qing house still insisted for the country working hard at chores while being pregnant.This disaster ability of Huang Huai Hong thus smooth solution is also whole is you and your spouse in the Qing house of achievement.I Jia prize Sun Qing Jia husband and wife still too late.Where did you there is the truth to decline offense.The Qing house is me is have no the gentleman of way.Like, Qing a house is still a quickly quickly even body."The Zhu Yu Jian's half earnest half plays trick of say.But see him a Du step again arrive at her of after death point at two infants in the Qiang Baos to ask a way:"The children of these two dolls but Sun Qing Jia?"
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