
cheap beats by dre let I and white the

The life of chapter 294 prosperous man
The Xun eagle and Ji grows persons like joy,etc, the facial expression is embarrassed, fluently enjoyed seven to leave from the line son, the but again was a bit unwilling, crustily the skin of head sits here, whole body unspeakable suffered.
Xiao eagle this young man of so will come here.Completely because person's son that can run into to like here, at present the object of Qing Mu in their heart, directly adopt the attitude for taking no cognizance to them, but is in the body that concentrates all of all attention to Ji vast sky, the taste in their heart is imaginable.
However, the Xiao eagle and Ji grows to enjoy their heart in again dissatisfied, don't dare as well to vent here.
First that week rambling rose and He beautiful Tung, 100 in show 3 people's a Be from extraordinary, back of the household real strenght is all very strong, secondly", is the Ji vast sky sitting here at present.
These in the last years, Ji vast sky southern fierce war.The benefits that fought for an ordinary people hard imagination for the valley of Xuan Yuan.And frequently help the valley of Xuan Yuan to tide over difficult period.Any person in the life of the valley of Xuan Yuan all understands inside today's valley of Xuan Yuan, the Ji vast sky is a real core.Connect main in front in Ji vast sky in their house.All take a .
Have such a relation at, be like the Xiao eagle this type of young men, affirmation doesn't dare to say to the Ji vast sky what.
As for the Ji grows joys, Ji long living two brotherses.Dare more not how, understand in their heart.The position that can have now today in the Ji house.All because the existence of the Ji vast sky considers several year ago Ji house's situation in green rock mountain times and consider again at present in the position in the valley of Xuan Yuan, two brotherses still have what say so much?
Therefore, these young man, a the full face is bitter and astringent, so the ground of Zheng Zheng looking at three females the looking angry and embarrassed is for the sake of the Ji vast sky, but have no who speak to mean what.
He beautiful Ying and 100 insides show and week rambling rose three female, stood together.All of the clear Mou falls in the body of Ji vast sky, a shape that waits Ji vast sky decision.
"I went first the small lake of mountain behind, you were three, oneself plays by ear, I really didn't know how to handle your disputes the Ji vast sky looking at three female, pondered along while, also can not find what good solution, helpless under, can is this inadvisable plan.
Once the words sound fall, also ignore at three females how think, the Ji vast sky suddenly flies to divert from the bamboo building to, disappear to be missing a trace for an instant.
The He beautiful Ying is 3 people, the Leng is in the bamboo building, just the equanimity of the one Sha, bamboo building a bevy of young girls quarrel a voice.
Garden the small lake after is the day after tomorrow the artificial scoop out but become, the existence in this small lake has relation with expanse of stars big, there is the function of equilibrium world vitality.
The small lake isn't big, but lake water is pure and matchless, the week rambling rose after arriving at here cost a lot of energies on the small lake, at surroundings planted a lot of plants, made small lake around very secluded to have sentimental appeal.
The week rambling rose temperament gentleness is quiet, send feeling and landscape flowers and trees, she is long to reside of place plants numerous.Probably is exactly as it does, just drew on numerous young man young girls to come to this.
At a ten meters high tree whereabouts feet, the Ji vast sky looking at front pure see the small lake of bottom, tiny wrinkly eyebrows.Is full helpless in the heart.
He is understand, week rambling rose and He beautiful Ying, 100 in show three female, seeking oneself's affirmation can't talk what good matter.
To these three females, his pouring is all some good will.The week rambling rose is gentle and soft, He beautiful Tung is outspoken, 100 inside show lovely sarcastic, three female the idea is all pretty good, however.At present of he, the idea didn't put in this aspect.He hopes to do for his grandfather on wishing and becoming strong now what, basically have no time to miss own feelings matter.
But the week rambling rose and He is beautiful 1, 100 in show three females, all have viewpoint in an obvious heart, at their there is probably also the elder of home pressing after death, various reason under, cause three female to he affirmation had hatred.
He knows that to these three females possibility ineluctable and calm speak some words, some words speak, may hurt the other party, but if don't say, to they also little more than 1 kind.
The Ji vast sky vexed sorrow ground sits where and secretly deliberates.
Very soon, He beautiful Tung in advance the one step come over and see appearance three females still speak some ruleses.
He the straight beautiful leg of beautiful Dong Xiu slowly moves.The body Zi picked Gao is in the all flowers cluster Ao however matchless, just, she but full face cold frost, imitate a Buddha the other people owed her how much similar.
Finally arrived at Ji vast sky before the body, He beautiful Dong Mei Tui suddenly stopped down and coldly looking at Ji vast sky, way:"Ji vast sky, are you very proud?Feel we are three for the sake of you, quarrel in the rear, does this make you have much of sense of achievement?"
The Ji vast sky is speechless, in distress situation way:"Have no, I just" just feels some headaches
"Have a headache?.Beautiful Dong Leng Sheng of He is a , despise way:"Say yes but means no?There is man originator of a loan association is the painful woman many?I didn't believe".
"He beautiful Tung, do you exactly mean to say Shi?There are words that can keep saying, I seemed to have no where to once give offense to you?I remember when the ground split a valley before, you I related to still be at last good friends with, why this several in the last yearses, would you have so big variety to my attitude?"Crustily the Ji vast sky skin of head asks.
"You know by yourself!"
"I don't know."
"Do not know?"He beautiful Ying voice Gao get up, hate ground to looking at him, way:"I the every family lord have talk over you with you my affair?Do you have no clean and neat brush-off again?.
"Have the Ji vast sky the honesty answer, he feels that this is the affair of naturally, explanation way:"You my acquaintanceship is very brief, I have been all regarding as you well the friend treat, never another viewpoint, uncle He orders a mandarin duck table indiscriminately, this is certainly not satisfactory, for the sake of you I, I Wan speech refuse this matter, I feel a nothing important problem.
"Nothing important problem?"He beautiful Huang point track:"You feel to have no problem, but I feel that the problem is big!"
Beautiful emotion Tung of He is slightly some concussion, the soft breasts lightly shivers and bites a tooth, way:"I, although I also to your nothing important viewpoint, have you already thought?I drive after you refuse, how to see me other people?Still have, have been containing this viewpoint in lord heart in our house, the everyones are wanting of my thick-skinned to worry you, feel I"feel that my nobody wants.Feel I"feel my He's beautiful Tung doesn't know shame and also have
Should being suppressing in He beautiful Dong Xin is full of pent-up anger, a brains vented hatred.
The Ji vast sky wry smile looking at her and listen to she speaks the atmosphere that the words in the heart speaks, suddenly realizes beautiful Tung of this Zi probably not because oneself doesn't like her, but is but is to feel that own brush-off makes her throw a face, this He beautiful Tung is a very proud person, she probably feels that this is failure, huge humiliation.
"This" that you say, how should I do?"The Ji vast sky eyebrows deeply locks, the bitterness wears face, way:"You I am true of Be just common friend relation, if I say a line, you my marriage perhaps this
This words are a , the He is beautiful air Tung's one Zheng.Her imitating a Buddha has never thought this problem and hesitated for a while.The He beautiful Ying shook to shake head, suddenly way:"I also connect to can not stand this kind of arrangement."
"This to!"Ji vast sky heart a loose, spread a hand way:"If because of the reason of the face.We two all life long to compensate up, this is the biggest misery!You say is be not?"
He beautiful Dong Dai Mei tiny Cu, pondered for a while, suddenly the title looking at him, way:"Do you feel that I don't deserve you?"
Repeatedly shake head, the Ji vast sky favour means:"Have no, I never this viewpoint, I am just" just doesn't like to make people arrange my affair.I have my own viewpoint, if, if I feel a women suit me fine, I will express endocentric viewpoint by myself, not under the circumstance for having no knowledge everything, be arranged well the whole.As long as is BE arranged by the other people, my heartses will outlaw, will refuse!"
"Your this person"'s returning is really oddness."He beautiful Dong Wei Zheng, suddenly humed a , again way:"Do not go!You make me facial to greatly lose, you have to compensate me!"
"Compensate you?"The Ji vast sky opens widely, " I did right decision, my decision, to you I to say to is all good matter, when you should thank me just why on the contrary make me compensate you?"
"I ignore, in fine because of your brush-off.The everyone sees my visions all very different, this is your fault."He beautiful Tung is suddenly impervious to reason.A Ji vast sky doesn't compensate can not of shape.
"Calculate, do you say how to do?"It indeed as expected is that the woman is difficult to tie up.The Ji vast sky heart way.
"You go to and my house's lord say, say that you want to unite in marriage with my He house!"He beautiful Tung in all seriousness way.
The Ji vast sky frighteneds to disgrace, hasty way:"How does this go?"
"Do I make you dislike?Hum!"He beautiful Dong Nu Dao.
"Be not be not!"The Ji vast sky repeatedly shakes head.Hurried way:"We, we just not is said very clearly?"
"My words haven't finished saying."The He beautiful Ying looking at him, way:"You mean a , this intention to my house's lord first, then am I ruthlessly refusing you, like this don't go?As long as make people know is that I refused you, this enough!"
The Ji vast sky is startled, in the heart deliberate for a while.Feel although this idea is a bit peculiar, also not is didn't order truth and hesitated for a while.The Ji vast sky slowly ordered to nod, way:"This, I pour is promise you."
Hesitated for a while.Ji vast sky the full face is peculiar, suddenly way three"He beautiful Tung, when the time comes, you can't make a mess of when the time comes?If you are true if promise, we can die to settle"
He beautiful Ying a face moment is very popular.Ruthlessly stare Ji vast sky, scold low a way:"You are this guy.Is true to take oneself for treasure?I just can't have to you what viewpoint, a hideous mess of, one belly bad water!"
"This good, this good!"Give she so on saying, Ji vast sky finally let go of heart come hurriedly way:"Go, I knew how to do, you trust, and I will say this affair with uncle He.I wait your turn me down."
He beautiful one Aos however ordered to nod, the flash across in eye was one silk happy expression, way:"Like, my affair so many.Underneath you cope with them."
This words finish saying, He beautiful Tung right away turns round, head the garden that doesn't return to ground as well toward the rear walks.The beautiful leg repeatedly swings, the body picking Gao is gradually concealed to have no in the flower bush.
In a short while effort, the second, the spoilt daughter of a rich family came.
100 inside the show leap to jump, a jump like sparrows a ground of shape very much, arrive at here after, 100 in show one face gossip kind the small face gather together Ji vast sky head side.Depress voice to curiously ask:"How?What did that fierce female just say with you?Make you marry her?"
100 in show an appearance that understands very much by himself/herself, "I tell you, He beautiful Tung's this wench temper isn't very good, the time in blood rain mountain, a lot of guys that pursue her all arrived heavy mildewed, if you with her walk to arrive together, I promise that you rained to doom during a lifetime.I tell you, you don't see at ordinary times beautiful Tung of He is in all seriousness"in fact, this fierce female is getting more lazy, not, she is dirty and lazy, she hardly washes feet,cheap beats by dre, and the feet are getting more stinky, also have.She likes to break wind indiscriminately, you don't know"
"Cough!"The Ji vast sky has a headache matchless, looking at an inside to show again to jubilantly say He here beautiful Tung's ill, way:"Stop!"
"Still have, vast sky eldest brother, you are possible really don't know.That wench"100 insides show enjoy this tireless, is making reference to an interest head up, obviously don't want to immediately stop.
"100 in show!!You dare again to calumniate me.I didn't kill you can not!"Distance, spreads beautiful Ying of He flustered and frustratedly fierce scold a voice, the He beautiful Ying annoys of Chien be very suddenly and violently walking.
", "100 in show one head of shrinking.One face is timid, quickly shut up, lead very in a short while, just mumbling way:"This fierce female unexpectedly guessed that I want to say something against her."
Hesitated for a while.100 inside the show looking at Ji vast sky.Hum a way:"No smiling.You clearly know she is in the eavesdropping, unexpectedly still doesn't tell me!You are too unscrupulous!"
"You want to tell yours, but what you said is just happy don't in time make me finish saying words."The Ji vast sky cries out for justice.
"So"100 inside the show wanted to think, soon after the Xi Xi smiles low 1 and turned head to see after death similar and soon after says to the Ji vast sky:"Your wench.The Shan is far now?"
"H'm."The Ji vast sky is in distress situation, explained:"She has been all just walking toward bamboo building, is you too no time for waiting, don't wait she to walk far start blathering, this would be heard by her, she has already got into bamboo building now, should be getting outer of hearing."
"That good, that good, out of hearing good."He beautiful Tung breath a sigh of relief and continue way:"We continue to say, that fierce female in addition to don't wash feet.Like to break wind indiscriminately outside, also like"
Ji vast sky feels the skin of head become numb, heart way who if gave offense to this wench, quasi- get not be good to lead, this wench an open mouth is at too Sun 1:00, the eye sees her fascination seem and came up, the Ji vast sky hurriedly interrupts, way:"You if don't is another.We don't say, let the rambling rose in week come."
"Have!"100 insides show quickly withdraws previous remark, way:"The rambling rose that makes reference to a week, some affairs you definitely don't know, in fact is her smelly trouble ander the rise than that fierce female.Your knowing doesn't know that week why does the rambling rose like so to keep a flower?"
100 in show an appearance that your affirmation doesn't know, not etc. Ji vast sky answer, she says on her own initiative:"I tell you, in fact the week rambling rose contains body odor.And very of severity!You are to don't know of, if she a day need not those strange flowers to paint, the whole bodies all will be smelly to smell, three inside outside can smell!In addition.The week rambling rose is in fact personality apathy.You don't see she very gentle and soft appearance, but she"
Follow 100 inside the show talk, the Ji vast sky absolutely needed to throw up blood, this wench was really too malicious, if don't make him once.Taking charge of the rambling rose has already more begs for for the "thorough" contact.Listen to her Ru, different viewpoint in the Hui location in heart.
"100 insides show, our talked this to end!"Ji vast sky one face interrupted her to continue to fabricate rumor respectfully and sank a track:"You return to!"
100 insides show once the Xi Xi smile, 1 you understand good shape, then finally make reference to oneself, awkward and shy way:"Vast sky eldest brother, my daddy says with me, I am definitely the life of prosperous man, give birth to a kid, will be a boy"
Ji vast sky big Zhang Zhu Kou, obviously drive 100 inside show the thunder arrived.She is stiller a little bit small than beautiful Tung of He.It is young.Really is what dare to speak!
"Like, I knew, I know you will prosperous man!Will give birth to a boy!Is very very very strong".The Ji vast sky looking at her, way:"However, I like a girl.You return to first."
"?"100 inside show get a shock, point way:"Do you how can like a girl?I listen to the person saying and listenning to the person saying, "
"Went to go, talked with you.My pressure is a lot too big, you return to first, we weren't an of the same group Ji vast sky to absolutely need to rush through a person."***, Presumably mistake, miscalculate.I am good friends with to really want"100 whisper and wear a woebegone expression and slowly rush He beautiful Tung's footsteps.
Again lead in a short while, the week rambling rose lowers the head.Lightly walk.
Ji vast sky heart in vain a tight, slightly some strain get up.
Three females in, he feels that he lets week rambling rose down most , in those early years at go to south Yi of time, he ever ghost fan the heart sent the ground once does some not that above board affairs to the rambling rose in week, while the week rambling rose was the fiancee that the clock left clean Yi, but before matrimony is his break out of come, should be the spoilt daughter of a rich family of leaf's house, Gu body one person was foolish in the valley of Xuan Yuan, devoted to responsiblely do for the valley of Xuan Yuan really matter.
To her.There is sorry and ashamed one in the Ji vast sky heart.Have some touched, "
Arrive at Ji vast sky before the body.The week rambling rose lifts up head.Lightly on smiling, soft-voiced way:"Showed son to just all say with you what?This wench was taught .What a hideous mess words dare to speak."
"Who teach her wrong things?"Ji vast sky Ya however.
"Still have who, Xiao eagle Bai".The week rambling rose smiled to smile, way:"Xiao eagle one belly bad water, show son this wench again is brave pack day, beautiful Tung just fury Yi sky, coming back would seek Xiao eagle to calculate Zhang, I knew to show son affirmation to blather
Ordered to nod, Ji vast sky way:"She was to blather.She says He beautiful Dong Jiao Xiu, will break wind indiscriminately
"Burst Chi!"The week rambling rose smiles gently not to live.Smile to scold a way:"She also really dares to speak, also have?How does she say mine?"
"She says there is body odor on your body, would not° until every day use to spend juice daubery go, say your sex apathy.Like a woman."Ji vast sky Pie Pie mouth, oneself smiled first.
Week rambling rose the full face is abashed red, secretly scolded a , soon after and suddenly lift up head to see toward him, way:"Have body odor on my body, I think" I get homesick a person to know?"
"Cough!"The Ji vast sky doesn't already and not is embarrassed to dare to the rambling rose of seeing the week, attend to or so but talk him:"This lake is made by you very good, the valley of Xuan Yuan is here, should suit you very much"
Week rambling rose white the Ji vast sky is one eye, dark hate his branch to open a topic, but follow his words to say:"BE ah.I like the valley of Xuan Yuan very much, I will feel light loose here, even if, I also feel, even if the family don't take to manage me, depend of closer, can often see top one side, also enough."
Is suddenly very touched in the Ji vast sky heart, he the eyes are complicated, Leng very in a short while.
The week rambling rose looking at so him, way:"Want ~only him here, as long as he doesn't rush through me to walk, I think., I will have been leaving, don't staying of any commitment!"
"No one will rush through you to walk, you want to be foolish here how long, treat how long!"Ji vast sky suddenly way, just a little hesitated for a while, way:"Later my free of words, will usually come to see here, some matters, I haven't thought it's clear, so, "
"Go!"The week rambling rose suddenly cut off his words.The surprise of full face, way:"Is enough!Is all right already".
Fearing the Ji vast sky will renege, the week rambling rose suddenly turns round, way:"I didn't what rubbish say, wanted ~only, as long as you can often come to walk here, I" satisfied, I knew you favour, knowing your responsibility is big, I can not help you what.So I ain't extravagant either to beg too many
The week rambling rose lightly leaves.
The Ji vast sky foolishly looking at her figures, for a long time have no slow lead absolute being come.
For this gentleness a have no beg of woman.Suddenly, he feels the place of a certain softness in heart, drive ruthlessly touch for a while.
3 turns to namely lead in a sudden.
The Xiao breaks mountain, Xiao interest and ghost Rong, ghost sea and Han Feng's a group of people, writes in the Xuan Yuan valley master station and silently waits for what.
Led in a short while.The Ji vast sky went to come over.Swept public one eye, asked a way:"The all giving an account of the explaination?"
"Stop worrying, should said affairs all said, as long as have no ghost devil king this threatens at, we the valley of Xuan Yuan need not worry what.Is much less, we and Mt. Heaven and far away act in cooperation, true if someone dare to come to our valley of Xuan Yuan to cause disturbance and feared the son Xiao interest also only doing which only causes troubling to smile to order to nod, signaling hint the Ji vast sky didn't need to be worried what.
"That good, like this we can trust to leave the valley of Xuan Yuan."The Ji vast sky ordered to nod, soon after facial expression respectfully, way:"For three days, that north pretty beginning constantly start to the private's religious sect in the sky, household of big Chu's country.Connect big Chu's country several big households cooperate and seemed to be all to start resisting not and live north pretty private in the sky."
"Really, we should go to big Chu's country right away, can in no way let the hand that big Chu's country falls into north pretty in".Xiao interest way.
"Since it is so, that we set out."The Ji vast sky doesn't be overdo to come and looking at Mo Yun Yi of pass, way:"The mother-in-law of Mo, inside the valley please worry more."
"Go to a little bit more careful."Mo Yun Yi kindly looking at him.Way:"Your this kid finally and truely grew up and followed you closely step by step achievement of attaining today, I really was very delighted."
Ashamedly smiled to smile, way:"The mother-in-law of Mo is also carefully some, we this went to."
The valley of Xuan Yuan's leaving big Chu's country to pour is to have a distance.However, is this line of go to big Chu's country, is all superior of the valley of Xuan Yuan.
Among them, the territory of gossip sky has the Xiao of Xiao house to break a mountain, Xiao interest, the ghost believes in of ghost Rong and ghost sea, there is also Han Feng, in addition, the Xiao house, ghost believes in still and has tenth, seven of the superior of territory follow, this a group of people.Have no 1 six match for a sky, private, can ask for help from the strength of stars, sun and moon to maneuver.
The superior of territory being seven, as long as displaying the strength of stars to fly, the speed wants far far Gao too six match territory of sky can the land drive of person, from the valley of Xuan Yuan after leaving, their a group of people is just time that cost lesser half for sky and is water city in the sky of water cloud country.
Water city in the sky, , Chen Jia, segment house and month China believe in high year ofly early any through wait for according to the engagement.The Wu is allied, segment house and month China believe in a superior several tens"all have seven of the fixing of territory appear publicly for, among them Chen Jia's lord in the house, month China believing in of white Cang sea in person.
Here.The white that the Ji vast sky saw have long time no see is elegant.
The white is elegant still so simple and refined soft quiet, see Ji vast sky the political ability show concussion, the clear Mou is suddenly bright.Stretched hand to lightly shake to shake toward the Ji vast sky.
The white was elegant to also fix seven of territory, although just beginning primer path, formally stepped to go into this state, this is good enough to explain white elegant natural intelligence and power of understanding.
"The vast sky comes."White Cang the sea is tiny tiny on smiling, how see Ji vast sky how to feel a satisfaction, warm way:"You are this boy, from East China Sea after coming back immediately closed the border, also not come we month the China religion see.Ha ha, this wench in our house, but old remember you."
"Dad!Everyone at discuss proper business".The white is elegant to smile to lightly drink 1."Like, I don't say."The white Cang sea puts a hand, ha ha say with smile.
The Ji vast sky comes forward and still has the white Cang the sea to wait some elders to salute one by one to Chen Jia's lord in the house and soon after sinks a track:"The situation of big Chu's country, everyone knew, useless talk I also not much said, we went big Chu's country this time, not for the sake of Chu's house.Just for the sake of I in the soil common people's peace or chaos.For the sake of we in the soil is free from violating of foreign tribe
Public air a positive, nod to mean to understand in succession.
"Time is urgent, there is Shi having an affair, say on our road."Ji vast sky again way.
It is to look forward, smell speech a noding and having no a person to have objection to is only public his Ma Shou.
From the emperor just house and remaining confederates drive after expeling water cloud country, segment China in the house, Chen Jia and month believed in the religious sect of several flood cloud country, come to manage the governmental affairs of water cloud country together together, these bottoms are wealth of talent, before emperor just the house was the time of government, their disciples have already taken an important job inside the party in government.Just after emperor's house dooms, their posts only raised an one step just, for the processing of the local business light car familiar road, there is no the difficulty in 1:00.
Although the domestic affairs of water cloud country are now united a management by several big households and the religious sects,in spite of is a house, Chen Jia, is still that month China believe in, all understand take care of to use most in water cloud whose words in the junior high school.
The valley of Xuan Yuan of pre-eminent rising, Mt. Heaven of real strenght, because both at present come together together.Then water cloud country can have the hit that the bottom spirit doesn't fear to foreign tribe, therefore, segment the house and Chen Jia handle in the important event of local domestic affairs business on, still will consult the valley of Xuan Yuan and Mt. Heaven of meaning.
However, in spite of is the valley of Xuan Yuan or can't excessively control them Mt. Heaven, can't even be like an emperor house is similar, use by all manners to limit the development of their household just.
To them, this is most for make them satisfied place.This makes them feel at ease, let them know they were subjected to the value and high regard that should have, knew they and the valley of Xuan Yuan and Mt. Heaven of of relation have much close, not in those early years to emperor just house so, anxious every day, fear an emperor house to deliberately start revolt to aim at them just.
They like the circumstance in nowadays very much and also know the place of big righteousness, therefore, after being subjected to the news that the valley of Xuan Yuan spreads.They don't have the match of objection, and the efficiency is very quick.
A group of people, slowly fly toward the direction of big Chu's country to, Ji vast sky and white are together elegant line of.
Wear a body side of white elegant, the Ji vast sky discover her being similar to the past, almost didn't change.Don't know why, he and the white Be elegant to walk together.The in the mind noodles feels to relax very much, imitate a Buddha all burdens drive to took to go to similar.
The white is elegant very curious about his career in East China Sea.All the way in quiet listen to relating of Ji vast sky, meet a breathtaking place, will open widely a mouth to mean her panic, but can't speak to say more what.
Smile to say 1 line in East China Sea a time of, Ji vast sky way:"Before hearing a period of time you to lead the valley of Xuan Yuan, at that time I at the moon was on the Ning chain absolute being soul.Doing not realize your arrival is really sorry.Made you long to wait one Mou son
"Be free, I also have no matter.Just coincidentally pass by the valley of Xuan Yuan, go over and have a look."The white is elegant to smile to smile, be like thought of what, ask a way:"To, I the time in the valley of Xuan Yuan, and the week rambling rose live together, she make very beautifully there, really don't thought of, unexpectedly have a so good place inside the valley of Xuan Yuan, there of strange flower difference grass, compare me be anyplace seeing all want much
For a while, the white is elegant and say with smile:"The young lady of He house there is also that shows son and all talk to get very much with me, if not that occupying, do I still really want to stay more a period of time in the valley
The Ji vast sky is one Leng, suddenly many in the heart some ideas.
White elegant don't talk as well, just smile looking at him.
Led in a short while, the Ji vast sky lightly smiled to smile, way:"BE ah, the week rambling rose will there deal with very good, ha ha, Xiao eagle, my two elder brothers still has three elder brothers and also have the some young men in the valley to all really like to have no a matter to where run there."
"This my arriving is knowing."The white is a little bit elegant to nod."Those guy.They go to there of the purpose isn't fresh flowers, they real of the purpose is beauty's son"
The Ji vast sky smiled to order to nod.
The white is elegant suddenly orthoptic Ji vast sky.Pretend not intentional ground of tease a way:"Vast sky, you feel the rambling rose in week and He beautiful Ying, 100 in show this wench how?You feel your those two elder brothers, three elder brothers, probably the Can embraces does the beauty return?"
"I don't know Ji vast sky wry smile.
"I see those three wenches, where but take to heart your ah, ever and anon the talks talk about you, you this time pass.Did they seek you?"The white is elegant not intentional the ground ask a way.
"Chatted severals."
2 people are together silent.
"The elder sister of the white, I this time at moon on, got one trifle, should have some use to you."From the mustard seed bag, take out that a piece of month Jing Wu, the Ji vast sky stretches hand to pass elegant to the white.Way:"It is said that this kind of metal sneaks into absolute being soldier in, can make absolute being the soldier has the strength of the essence of coming together the moonlight.Ha ha, you month China believe in the secret of self-discipline very special, I think this a piece of month Jing Wu.Should be useful to you."
"Month Jing Wu, I seem what of the square once listenned to this kind of metal."White elegant Ya however, wrinkly the eyebrows think.
By this time, originally should in front of the troops white Cang sea, suddenly realized what, eyes suddenly a bright, is stagnate the figure right away.
Wait until elegant 2 people of Ji vast sky and white, fly till his time at the side of body, white Cang sea body tiny tiny one Zhan.Stare at a month within white elegant hand Jing Wu, surprised way:"Ya Er, what is what you take ?,
The white elegant title oddly saw her Zi similar, not clear so way:"The vast sky says to is a month Jing Wu.Let me integrate it into the absolute being soldier in, I prepare to try."
"Month Jing Wu!Really is a month Jing Wu:Suddenly the Cang sea body shakes.The eyes explode to project a strange rice and tightly stare at white in a sudden Nan Chuan of month Jing Zhen, a concussion arrived the shape of extremity.
"This trifle is what I get on not intentional the month Feng in the heart in month, I listen to the ghost Rong say this month the Jing Wu has a strange effect to the soldier of absolute being, can make absolute being the soldier come together the essence of moonlight, ha ha, thinking to elder sister Bai should be useful, present to white elder sister."The Ji vast sky smiled to smile, facial expression self-composed way.
The white Cang sea deeply absorbed an one breath, the vision brightly shiningly looking at Ji vast sky, soon after dialogue elegant way:"Ya Er, you What a good luck!This month Jing Wu to you, precious arrive you hard imagination!"
"!"The white is elegant surprised to shout a , quickly want month the Jing Wu return to the Ji vast sky, way:"Vast sky.This thing is too precious, I can not accept, you still up take back."
Smiled to shake to shake head, the Ji vast sky withdrew a distance behind, way:"I this month Jing Wu I was originally preparation to yours, don't take back of truth.The uncle says this month the Jing Wu is thus useful to you, you are naturally staying, this thing, say to me, not exactly much useful."
Get a saint monster the Xuan is martial of Jing blood after, his body can directly come to the essence of quick absorption moonlight, the absolute being soul is in the heart in month after buming 1 time.At present of he the absolute being soul has already made use of the strength Ning of moonlight chain a time of, current of he, in spite of is the absolute being a soul still a body, an all equal to huge container, can accept the essence of many moonlights.
To him, this a piece of month mama Jing's use isn't specially big, the month Jing Wu can let absolute being the soldier have the strength of the essence of absorbing the moonlight, and saint monster Xuan the effect of the martial blood, absolutely differed 108,000 inside.
"Ya Er is since the one intention of vast sky, that you receive."The white Cang sea Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ji vast sky, lead in a short while, just the dialogue is elegant to say.
The white is elegant to lightly order to nod.
"Ya Er, temporarily don't be hasty month the Jing Wu after integrating into absolute being soldier wait dad to seek some metal to you a mixture and return to China in month after believing in invite you teacher to make moves."The white Cang sea way.
"?"The white is elegant to realize the dissimilarity of Jing pigeon that come out a month in hand usually, surprised way:"Dad, is the Jing Wu really so precious, also need to invite a teacher to just go this month?""You this wench!Know this month after Jing Wu integrate into your absolute being soldier, mean to you what?"The white Cang sea reprimands angrily to a way.
The white is elegant to shake head to don't clearly mean.
"This a piece of month Jing Wu mixs some special feature metal.Add your absolute being soldier after, your absolute being the soldier will become my believing in the treasure of religion in the town!The secret of your self-discipline.The exploitation is added the absolute being soldier of the Jing Wu in month to urge hair, the power can raise a triple to 500%!"White Cang sea one the word is a way.
The white is elegant right away dumbstruck.
"Ya Er, you arrive a front first, the daddy wants to talk with vast sky words."The white Cang sea flicked to wave hand and signaled hint white elegant arrive first combine noodles go to.
The white elegant air is vacant, take a month Jing Wu be getting more dejected, amenably go front.
"Vast sky, you this gift is also a lot too big."The white Cang sea looking at Ji vast sky, wry smile way:"This lets I does month China believe in how to requite?"
"Uncle, you don't consider as an outsider so good?"What about Ji vast sky on smiling, mouth's way:"In those early years if there is no uncle, I was afraid to is to have already been not in the human life, white the elder sister helped me again many, I dialogue elder sister.Have been very impassioned, just only a piece of month Jing Wu just, the uncle doesn't frightened too much strange."
The attitude of white Cang sea, pour is make the Ji vast sky some uneasy.
"To you this a piece of month Jing Wu probably and of no consequence what, however, believe in to our month China to say.The use of Jing Wu this month can big."White Cang sea full face respectfully, way:"I believed in first generation to want to get a piece of month in those early years Jing Wu, once took a risk as well the heart of getting into the month, regrettable but is horrifyingly fighting under suffered from severely wounded, after coming back soon die.It is in the article of death previous him to bear in mind constantly the Jing Zhen in month and say to is the miraculous function that the Jing Wu that he felt a month believes in to our month China."
"Many in the last yearses, we month China believe in as long as the sky private of territory having a gossip for sky appears, the all inevitable meeting explores the Jing Wu in month in the month heart, however, each heart that get into a month in of we month China believe in of gossip private in the sky, all is a have no acquisition.Have some a person;Even also die at month heart in, didn't come back any further, to us.This month Jing Zhen in addition to really having a miraculous help to the our month China religion, 1 kind of it still we consigns, is the wishes of generation generation!"
White Cang sea so on saying, the Ji vast sky just understood unclearly some, way:"It is unexpectedly such."
"Vast sky, hereafter in spite of you request us month China Zong Zuo what, we can't have two words!"White Cang sea full face positive color, way:"Even if you let we month China believe in of pupil but walk into death, we are also blindly obedient!"
"Uncle, don't this fully says!"The Ji vast sky connects to call not to dare.
White Cang the sea is tiny tiny on smiling, suddenly way:"Vast sky.You feel graceful son how?"
"Very good, white elder sister very good, how?"Ji vast sky a foolish.
Smiled to order to nod, the white Cang sea way:"Vast sky.I chase Ya Er Xu's supply you, how do you feel?"
!"The Ji vast sky was surprised to shout 1, took charge of Leng.
For white elegant, in his heart more or less really some viewpoints, he also knows the white is elegant to seem"seem to be also not to dislike him, only everything hasn't begged a certificate, he also has no the idea of this aspect this time, at present of he, wants to be early some to become strong and hopes to do for the person at the side of body for the valley of Xuan Yuan what.
"How, don't you like Ya Er?"The white Cang sea eyebrows a wrinkly, some interrogatively ask, can heart way so precious things to you send out,really have no some viewpoint?
"Is not this meaning, is just, " just I now"I now didn't°yet this viewpoint.Moreover, another this kind of affair, I like everything with feel behaviour, not too like to be settled down."Ji vast sky crustily skin of head, way.
"You like Ya Er, I feel, Ya Er also likes you, didn't this go and also had what?"White Cang sea oddness.
"Temporarily, I have no this viewpoint.I and white the elder sister's affair, I hope, can let I and white the elder sister decide by himself/herself.Uncle, you know you are some kind of good intentionses, but I don't like the identity that you make use of your father and press white elder sister on this affair, even don't hope because of you and white the elder sister is because of feeling grateful.Let you lose to judge to read."Ji vast sky way.
"You are heavily these young mans, really puzzling, all clearly have viewpoint, but all concern.Really don't know how you thought."The white Cang sea shook to shake head, helpless way:"Calculated since you say so, that I not much took care of, with you."
The Ji long Yan breath a sigh of relief.
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